iPort Connects to Smart Battery |
Want to connect an iPort to an SMBus Smart Battery? This diagram
shows you how.
Remember to use the switch on the side of iPort to turn its internal
pull-ups off. These are too strong for the low power requirements
of most batteries. The 15K pull-ups added to the cable are compatible with
most SMBus Smart Batteries.
Reading SMBus Smart Battery data is a two step process.
First send an I2C Write message to the battery telling it what data you
want to read.
Then send an I2C Read message to read the data from the battery.
Since the timing between these two steps is critical to avoid a battery
time-out, use the iPort Master Tx/Rx command. This command lets
the iPort handle both steps together without application intervention.
The completed operation reports a Master Rx Complete Event to your application
program, with the SMBus Smart Battery Data available in the Master Rx Receive