IP-201 I2C Bus Multiplexer Board
IP-201 I2C Bus Multiplexer Board
The IP-201 is a 4 channel I2C Bus Multiplexer Board that provides an easy way to connect multiple I2C Buses to a common I2C Bus master. The IP-201 lets you communicate with multiple I2C based devices from a common I2C Bus master port while avoiding Slave Address conflicts.
Key Features
  • Connect a Common I2C Port to one of four (4) separate I2C Buses.
  • Able to Disconnect from ALL attached Buses.
  • LED indicators show selected Bus.
  • Bus selection controlled directly over the I2C Bus. No extra Hardware required.
  • Jumper selectable Pull-up Voltage (3.3V or 5V) (New for Rev. 2).
  • Jumper selectable I2C Slave Address (40...4E).
  • Stack multiple (1...8) IP-201 Multiplexers for up to I2C 32 Buses.
  • Based on MCC's iPack Stackable Board Format.
  • Supports Stacked or Remote board configurations.
  • Product Development: Software/Hardware Testing and Troubleshooting.
  • Manufacturing: Multi-Product Burn-in, Testing and Debugging.



    Parts List

    Optional Add-On Parts Product Environmental Specifications: See Environmental Specifications FAQ

    See our Online Catalog for ordering information.

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