ASCII iPort .NET Class Library Reference (V2.6)
(C) 2021 MCC (Micro Computer Control Corporation)
The ASCIIiPortLib class library provides methods, properties, events, and enumerations that support the development of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET or National Instruments LabVIEW V7+ applications for I2C Bus communications. The library reference and executable files were created by the MCC Technical Support team, are owned solely by MCC, and are made available on a non-exclusive, royalty-free, basis for use with MCC I2C Bus host adapters.
Supported MCC I2C Bus Adapters: What's New:
  1. Corrects an issue with i2cStick 2 I2C Bus ClockRate property.
  2. Previous version only supported an i2cStick 2 Clock Rate of 100KHz.
  3. Visual Studio Windows Desktop VB App Project.
Supported MS.NET Languages: Supported Microsoft Development Tools: Project Requirements: Other Supported Development Tools: Class Library Information: How to Install and Use This Library (Visual Studio):
  1. Review and accept the MCC ASCII iPort .NET Class Library License Agreement.
  2. Download one of the following compressed Library Files:
    1. Digitally Signed: ASCIIiPortLib_V2_6_Signed.ZIP.
    2. Strong-Named, SHA-2 (Requires MS.NET V4.0+): ASCIIiPortLib_V2_6_SN_SHA-2-R0.ZIP.
  3. Extract Compressed Files (ASCIIiPortLib.DLL and ASCIIiPortLib.XLM) with Windows Explorer, PKunZip, or other extraction software.
  4. Run Microsoft Visual Studio 2005+ and Create a New Project (Windows, Console,...).
  5. Add Library Reference to the Visual Studio 2005+ project (Project | Add Reference...)
  6. Browse and select ASCIIiPortLib.DLL (extracted in step 3 above).
  7. Add an instance variable to source code (Example: Private iPort As MCC.iPort.ASCII) (See Samples Below).
  8. Create adapter instance in source code (Example:  iPort = New MCC.iPort.ASCII).
  9. Add source code with references to library methods, properties, and events (Open, MasterTx, Close, ...).
  10. Save, build, run, test, and modify application source code as required.
How to Install and Use This Library (LabVIEW):
  1. Review and accept the MCC ASCII iPort .NET Class Library License Agreement.
  2. Download one of the following compressed Library Files:
    1. Digitally Signed: ASCIIiPortLib_V2_6_Signed.ZIP.
    2. Strong-Named, SHA-2 (Requires MS.NET V4.0+): ASCIIiPortLib_V2_6_SN_SHA-2-R0.ZIP.
  3. Extract Compressed Files (ASCIIiPortLib.DLL) with Windows Explorer, PKunZip, or other extraction software.
  4. Run National Instrument LabVIEW V7+ and Create a New VI, or use the sample provided.
  5. Add a LabVIEW Construction Node to create an I2C Bus Adapter object Reference (See Sample VI for details).
  6. Connect the I2C Bus Adapter Reference to Library Methods, Properties, and Events.
  7. Save, run, test, and modify application wiring diagram as required.
Release History

The following tables list the class members exposed by the MCC.iPort.ASCII Class Library.