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iPort/AFM 2 Gets Voltage Sensing For Low-Voltage I2C Bus Circuits

MCC announces the iPort/AFM 2 (tm) with Circuit Sense (tm). Popular RS-232 to I2C Bus adapter gets low-voltage upgrade. To find out more, Click Here

iPort/USB 2 Voltage Tracking Supports Low-Voltage I2C Bus Circuits

MCC announces the iPort/USB 2 (tm) with Circuit Sense (tm). Get access to low-voltage I2C Bus circuits. To find out more, Click Here

iPort/LAN Gives I2C Internet Access

MCC announces the iPort/LAN (tm), Ethernet to I2C Bus adapter. Get direct, local (LAN) or remote (INTERNET) access to the I2C Bus right from your desk. Need to communicate with an I2C Bus device or system in your office, lab, factory, or a remote-site? Get off the plane and get on the bus. Just plug, connect, and communicate. To find out more, Click Here

iPort Utility Pack Update

iPort Utility Pack (tm) 5.6, the latest version of our free I2C Bus messaging software, is now available for immediate downloads. iPort Utility Pack 5.6 adds direct, local (LAN), and remote-site (INTERNET) support via our iPort/LAN I2C Bus adapter, and support for Windows 8. To find out more, Click Here

MS.NET Class Library Update

ASCIIiPortLib (tm) 2.2, the latest version of our free MS.NET Class Library, is now available for immediate downloads. ASCIIiPortLib 2.2 adds direct, local (LAN, and remote-site (INTERNET) support via our iPort/LAN I2C Bus adapter, and expanded descriptors for I2C Bus adapter identification. I2C Bus software developers can take advantage of Microsoft's Visual Studio .NET development environment and runtime capabilities when connecting to I2C Bus or derived protocol. To find out more, Click Here

iBurner EEPROM Programming Software Update

iBurner (tm) 3.1, the latest version of our free I2C Bus EEPROM programming software, is now available for immediate downloads. iBurner 3.1 adds direct, local (LAN), and remote-site (INTERNET) support via our iPort/LAN I2C Bus adapter, optional target system control while accessing the EEPROM, expanded descriptors for I2C Bus adapter identification, and support for Windows 8. To find out more, Click Here

SBS Smart Battery Tester (SBTest), Release 3 Now Available

SBTest is used by developers to test and record SBS Smart Battery performance, reliability, and accuracy. SBTest Release 3 adds SBS v1.1 support, PEC generation and checking, and expanded communication monitoring. To find out more, Click Here

I2C Bus/SMBus Monitor (#MIIC-101) Gets USB Interface, New Analyser Software Release

The I2C Bus/SMBus Monitor (#MIIC-101) is now available with an add-on USB interface and a new Analyzer Software release. To find out more, Click Here

Linux In-Kernel Driver Support

Linux v2.6 includes an in-kernel driver that supports communication with MCC Linux-Compatible, USB-based I2C Bus adapters. To find out more, Click Here

LabVIEW VI Library Update

National Instruments LabVIEW (tm) is the industry standard graphical development environment for test and control applications. To support LabVIEW developers we have updated our LabVIEW VI Library with a new set of High Level VIs and sample applications. Developing I2C Bus and derived protocol applications has never been so easy. To find out more, Click Here

LabVIEW and MS.NET, Perfect Together

National Instruments LabVIEW (tm) has built-in support for MS.NET objects. Take advantage of  MS.NET features in your next LabVIEW project. To help, we have added a new LabVIEW sample app to our MS.NET Class Library reference. To find out more, Click Here

i2cStick Takes I2C Mobile

MCC announces the pocket-size i2cStick (tm), USB to I2C Bus adapter. For on-the-go developers, test engineers, and field service personnel.
Just plug, connect, and communicate. To find out more, Click Here

I2C Bus Monitor Plus Gets PCI Express Interface and Windows 7 x64 Support

MCC announces new I2C Bus Monitor Plus (#MIIC-102) support for PCI Express (Click Here) and Windows 7 x64 (Click Here).

TI Picks iPort/USB for Battery Controller Calibration

Texas Instruments, the world's leading producer of Smart Battery ICs, picks the MCC iPort/USB for Battery Controller Calibration. To find out more, Click Here